Wisdom Beyond My Years

Beautiful wife, Cheri' & Granddaughter, Ada

While composing my loving thoughts on the Valentine’s Day card for my wife today I was inspired by the prose on the card. The stimulant was “beautiful.” And that reminded me of a prayer I prayed over 38 years ago.

As I pondered the beauty of my wife I realized again she was the answer to one of the most profound prayers I’ve ever uttered. It was also a very simple prayer, yet filled with wisdom beyond my years. It was not initiated through my own insight, but from an impression that influenced me to pray for a wife that loved God more than she loved me. Furthermore, I regained some sense of ownership in the prayer because I asked for a woman that I would find physically attractive.

My wife, Cheri’, is God’s answer to that prayer. She is the reflection of inner beauty that comes from loving God more than anything else. Her awesome physical elegance is further enhanced by her inner attractiveness.

His wisdom beyond my years led me to pray and believe for what only He could provide. Today and everyday, I celebrate His beautiful gift to my life.

Happy Valentine’s Day Cheri’! I love you with all my heart! And, thank You God! “For, we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us…” Romans 8:26b. He gives us wisdom beyond our years!
