This past week I had the privilege of spending some significant time with three friends, Glenn Middleton, Rob Hambright, and Doug Kreighbaum. The purpose and focus of our time together was evangelism. Glenn is possibly the first evangelist from the five-fold vein (Ephesians 4:11-16) that I have ever met. The equipping dimension of his gift was clearly evident. Here are a few things I am learning:
Talkin’ Up Jesus! Your interaction with others should ultimately lead to talking about Jesus.
Divine Appointments exist all the time, everywhere. My tendency was to pray for them and then be frustrated at the end of the day from not having any or else missing the ones I had. I have been missing them. Every person, every situation has the potential to be a divine appointment. If a person sits beside me it is an opportunity from God. If I meet anyone wearing any clothing item with a sports team on it, that is a sure sign for me that I have an impending appointment.
You must sow seeds before you can pray for them to be harvested. Prayer and sharing are both necessary, but how often I have prayed without having shared Jesus.
Leave the results to God! Our job is to sow the seeds and/or water them, but God gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6-9).
Success is our faithfulness to share, leaving the results to God.
This has motivated me to be alert and open to those God has placed around me. There has been a wonderful download that has broken barriers to sharing and mobilized me to actively “talk up Jesus” and share His great love with those I meet.
Papa Don has a blog? Yay!! I kinda missed this, or forgot about it. Don’t take that personally as it is mean ol’ Chemo’s fault; not mine. I’m so happy you’re on the blogosphere. I’m so happy you’re on the planet.
Thanks Seren! Coming from you that really blesses and encourages me!!!
Great talking to you and mom tonight. I love you & great post too!
Thanks Dan! It is always great to talk with you and to see those wonderful grandkids! I am encouraged and refreshed and settled after we connect!
Ooo, yes — divine appointments are everywhere. We sorta forget to look for them, don’t we? Like we expect them to walk up to us and say, “Oh, by the way, I’m your divine appointment for the day. Did you have something you wanted to say to me?”
And the whole thing about planting seeds is good, too. They may not take root, but we can be sure they won’t if we don’t plant any.
Great Blog! We are getting a fresh breathe from the Spirit in evangelism here this year as well! Thanks for your thoughts! We will share them with the guys here! God Bless!